Accounts Receivable



Services sold by the hotel on credit are recorded in Accounts Receivable. It is also referred as receivables in accounting. This is a part of the accounting application of WebProl'IFIC. As indicated by the term credit sales, the hotel collects money from its guests or debtors for the services provided, much later. The guests or the debtors make payments only after receiving an invoice/bill from the Hotel.

The accounts receivables entry is found on a balance sheet under the heading current asset.

The following diagram explains the work flow of the Accounts Receivable in WebProl'IFIC.



The Receivable module in WebProl'IFIC can be accessed from the section of Accounting in the main menu.



On selecting the option of Accounting, the following screen is loaded, in which further choose the option of Accounts receivable.



The Accounts Receivable module will display all the options available to record credit sales and receipt of payments from the debtors, as per the access level defined for the user logged into the application.